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Server Donations

Saphriel is fully ran by the community via donations. All proceeds go to the website, server, new plugins and more.


Anyone who donates at least $5.00 or more will receive perks for contributing to the community!








Donator Perks

  • And additional Character slot (For a total of 4 Slots with Player Plus)


  • Access to Bold, Italic, and Underlined nicknames on server


  • A permanent, Donator badge and Role on the Website and Discord


  • Access to our Discord Donator Only giveaway chat, where we periodically give out games, steam gift cards, and more.


  • May request the creation of minor lored items for new characters on your application. These items are purely vanity and for character depth(Such as a family locket or something). It can be nothing that would give an advantage over other players. ​​


  • Can submit custom textures to be added in future ItemsAdder updates for personal character items (Lockets, necklaces, a special dagger if one is already owned, etc). However, the textures must fit the server and be of at least a mildly acceptable quality and be approved by staff. The recommended resolution for submitted textures should be 32x32 or 64x64.


  • The ability to submit up to 4 custom emojis on our Saphriel Discord which are related to the server in some way. Each $1 donated afterwards allows for an additional emoji which can be uploaded, alternatively every $3 a player can instead choose to submit a custom sticker. There is a hard limit of 10 emojis and 4 stickers per player.​

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